
教室中的英文角The English Corner In The Classroom ——蒙特梭利语言区的英文活动

2022-05-16 55 38


  As we all know, language is an important tool for communication, and understanding different culture and society. Dr. Maria Montessori found that children's need for language learning is great during their childhood (0-6). Therefore, there is a great deal of language work to meet the needs of children at different stages in the classrooms of EYAS. Now, let's have a look what kind of interesting language learning activities in our classroom.


Picture book

《You are a lion》是一本将瑜伽的精神与儿童的直观游戏完美地融合在一起的绘本。可以通过阅读生动有趣的互动运动,帮助孩子们掌握身体部位及相应动作的英文说法。这种绘本阅读的活动,既能让孩子将英文玩起来,还达到强身健体的目的,换一种形式接收知识,寓教于乐,寓教于生活,从而实现自然而然地在生活中运用语言。

The picture book “You are a Lion” perfectly integrates the spirit of yoga with intuitive sense games. Through vivid and interesting interactive exercises, children can master the English expressions of body parts and corresponding movements. By reading this picture book, children can not only practice English in an active way , but also can achieve the purpose of doing physical exercise. So read picture book together with children is a learning through play method, which is an efficient way for them to learn a language naturally.


Environment Game


Searching for colors is a game that need children to look for colors. When children has certain understanding of colors, teacher will name those colors and invite children to find the corresponding color in the classroom. Sometimes, there will be some baskets with different colors prepared in the classroom, when the teacher say the name of the color, the child will be required to find the corresponding color and put it into the basket with the same color. The interesting language activities like “environment game” can improve children’s memory and hands-on ability.


English Rhyming Activity

英文儿歌是最经典的英语启蒙形式之一。悠扬的韵律和规律的重复,非常方便孩子记忆单词。例如英语童谣:《If You Are Happy》,这首歌不仅节奏明快,还能帮助孩子们更好认知到自己的情绪。这首儿歌分为四段,包含四个情绪主题:Happy(开心)、Angry(生气)、Scared(害怕)、Sleepy(困)。每个情绪主题,都可以做相应的动作,听这首歌的时候,老师和孩子们一起做出这些动作,来帮助孩子理解和加深记忆。

English children's song is one of the most classic forms for early age English learning. Melodious rhythm and regular repetition is a very efficient way for children to memorize vocabularies. Let’s take the song “if you are happy” as an example. This song not only has a lively rhythm, but also has lyrics that help children to recognize their own emotions “Happy, Angry, Scared, and Sleepy”, and adults and children can do some body movements for each emotion. The combination of movements and vocabulary can help children to understand and memorize.

玛丽亚·蒙特梭利博士的原著中提到儿童的吸收性心智: 当儿童处在语言学习的敏感期时,吸收性心智会把环境中所有的语言都记录下来。0到3岁的儿童是无意的识吸收阶段,他们会毫不费力的从环境中吸取一切。那么对于3到6岁有意识的吸收阶段,我们有哪些有趣的英文活动呢,请期待我们下次的分享哦!

Dr. Maria Montessori mentioned “absorbing mind” in her book: when a child is in a sensitive period of language learning, their absorbing mind records all the languages in the environment. Children between 0 to 3 are in the unconscious absorption stage, which means they absorb everything from their environment without any difficulties. While how about children between 3 to 6? What interesting English activities will be delivered for children in conscious absorption stage (3-6)? We will talk about this next time!

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